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Thursday, August 12, 2010

Song of the Day: No body knows-Pink

There is a huge reason why this song describes my day. I had the startling realization that nothings changing. At all. Everything's the same. I also realized that certain things are hopeless. I have certain words for some of my friends, so bear with me.
Missy: okay, hun seriously. i know you're worried about the thing with the anthem tomorrow, but come on. you and i both know that you're really not that worried. you'll be fine so no more over spazzing or freaking out kay? you'll just syke yourself out and that's when you'll mess up.
Sherri: i liked your outfit today, oh and im going to the tennis meeting tomorrow, but if our new coach says that we have to play i'll have to leave.
Jenna: hiya :D
okay, and the last note, is that i want to officially pledge that i give up dating. i dont want to and i dont particularly care about it anymore. There's no one at our school who i want. so, setting me up with someone? forget it. You know someone who likes me? Whoopty freaking doo. You think im being stupid or unreasonable..etc? oh well. sorry, am i being bitchy and or harsh? didnt mean to snap. here's the link to the song, enjoy. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SI5WHmg07Qc

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